Your Baby’s Development:
By week 30, your baby weighs around three pounds and is the size of a large cabbage. He or she is still packing on the pounds rapidly and his or her lungs are still a work in progress. Your baby’s little brain is growing rapidly and the lanugo, or the fine hair that covers his or her body, is starting to disappear as fat cells begin to regulate the body’s temperature. His or her bone marrow produces the red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen and nutrients throughout his or her body at this point, which makes it possible for baby to eventually thrive outside of your body.
What You Should Expect:
By week 30, you may notice an increase in heartburn. To avoid unnecessary discomfort, try to avoid spicy and deep fried foods or foods that may cause digestive discomfort. In addition to heartburn, many women experience Braxton-Hicks contractions at this point in their pregnancies. These are often painless, but you may notice your uterus tightening, specifically after any physical activity. To distinguish Braxton-Hicks contractions from preterm labor, have a tall glass of water or juice and then lie on your left side for 30 minutes. If the contractions stop, you are not in labor. If they continue, contact your obstetrician for further advice.