Your Baby’s Development:
Your bundle of joy weighs in at just about 10 ounces this week and he or she is about six to seven inches long, roughly the size of an artichoke. Although baby is growing, he or she still has plenty of room to move around and you are likely feeling this movement regularly by now.
What You Should Expect:
Another of the many physical changes you have probably experienced at this point is a growth surge in your hair and nails. Pregnancy hormones can cause for hair to feel thicker and fuller and nails stronger as extra nutrients disperse throughout your body.
Although chance determined your baby’s sex at the moment of conception, this is the first time you can find out your baby’s gender during a routine ultrasound—if he or she cooperates, that is. Do not feel frustrated if the technician cannot tell right away. Some little ones are a bit more modest than others are, so not everyone gets the news they hope for this week.