Perhaps one of the best times of your pregnancy is preparing the nursery and getting everything ready for the baby. Preparing the nursery in your home can be a great first step in making sure that your baby has all of the necessary equipment and tools that you will need in order to fully take care of him or her. This can be a very exciting time during your pregnancy because everything will start to immediately feel more real, and a lot of joy and excitement will start to fill up the home as you wait for your baby.
During this time, it is very important and also highly recommended that you create a nursery planning timeline. Establishing a schedule will be able to help you plan everything accordingly without having to feel so much stress or pressure. Here are some great ways that you can create a stress-free environment when you are planning the nursery.
Tips to Make the Nursery Perfect
Ways to create a stress-free nursery planning timeline:
- Establish a Theme and Budget – A great way for you to start creating a manageable timeline for the nursery is by thinking about a theme and the budget by the time that you are around 20 weeks pregnant. This will give you a sufficient amount of time to start getting some things ready and think of ideas and ways that you can decorate and set up the nursery room in your home.
- Decorate the room – At around 23 to 25 weeks pregnant, it is recommended that you paint or apply a wallpaper on the nursery room before you get any furniture inside. Painting or installing the wallpaper can be very exciting to do because this will be the first step in customizing the nursery room based on the way that you would like it to look. Getting help from someone else is recommended because it can prevent you from getting hurt or from doing a lot of work by yourself. Remember, at the end of the day, this should be an enjoyable process and you should be making sure that you are not under stress or any type of pressure while you are working.
Order the furniture – Once you get closer to 30 weeks pregnant, it is recommended that you start to purchase some furniture so that it can arrive on time. The most important pieces of furniture that you should purchase are a crib, a changing table and also a rocking chair, which will be beneficial when you put the baby to sleep. Looking around different stores and different online websites can give you a better idea on ways that you can decorate the nursery room based on the theme that you decide to go with.
- Stock up on the essentials – By 36 weeks pregnant, the nursery room should be completed in case the baby decides to make an early arrival. By this time, it is recommended that you have all of the furniture and all of the necessary tools and equipment that you will need for the baby. Having enough clothes, diapers, bottles and other essentials will help you stay stress free.
By following these nursery-planning steps, you will be able to enjoy your pregnancy a lot more, and you will also be able to make sure that you have everything ready for when the baby comes. Remember that during this time you need to be taking proper care of yourself and that it is important for you to ask for help if you need it along the way.