Between pregnancy tests and morning sickness, somehow, you’ve made it through your first trimester. Now, you’re starting to see the physical changes being pregnant brings about: weight gain in the form of a bigger belly, wider hips and a larger bosom. But if you’re not in love with your new voluptuous shape, you aren’t alone.
While many individuals claim to perceive the ‘pregnancy glow’ that women get during their nine-month journey, for some women, the physical changes make them feel anything but glowing, and maintaining a healthy mindset can, at times, become a difficult task.
Educate Yourself
Freeing your mind and building a positive body image is key. It’s a matter of establishing a connection with yourself and others. Start by surfing the web and looking for forums, communities and, if needed, even an online therapist. Particularly in the beginning of your second trimester, it’s always a mental boost to meet other women who are going through the same thing. That feeling of isolation slowly disappears as you discover that you aren’t alone. It’s perfectly normal to feel less than your beautiful, confident self.
Stay Active
The benefits of staying active while pregnant start immediately and last a lifetime. In addition to warding off the blues, you’ll likely gain less weight. This is especially true if you stick to a heart-healthy diet and avoid overeating. In addition, regular exercise during pregnancy also lowers your risk of gestational diabetes. Finally, staying fit during your pregnancy will help you regain your pre-baby shape when it comes time to hit the gym.
Dress to Impress
Finding out you are pregnant is such an exciting time. But let’s be honest, in between the cravings and fatigue, you also need to deal with wardrobe dilemmas. As your baby bump grows, finding pieces that are comfortable and stylish is key. That’s not to say you won’t have days where all you want to do is stay home in sweats, but one of the best ways to feel good about yourself is to dress the part.
Look for pieces that flatter your figure. Sizing up isn’t always the answer. In fact, buying maternity clothes that are too big will often make you look bigger than you are. There’s a huge difference between a baby bump and being overweight. Being pregnant and showing your bump is something to celebrate; don’t try to mask it with oversized clothes.
Focus on Self-Care
Being pregnant is one of the best times to focus on yourself. Schedule downtime and do things that you enjoy. Pamper yourself with a manicure, pedicure or DIY facial. If you love to have your hair done, then go for it. It’s the little things that breed confidence.
Listen to Your Significant Other
When your better half tells you how beautiful you are, believe him. He’s not just saying it to make you feel better. To him, he sees a radiant, beautiful woman who will soon be the mother of his child.
Most importantly, know that it’s okay to feel a little down. Sure, watching your waist expand may seem disappointing at times, but before you know it, your baby will be here, and you’ll be rocking skinny jeans again in no time.